

CYBEL PHOENIX-2040 narrow linewidth pulsed fiber laser : module and benchtop

The CYBEL PHOENIX-2040 is a benchtop fiber laser that can operate either in a CW or ns pulsed mode. This narrow linewidth (<50kHz ) laser can deliver a 1 W average power, 10 W peak power, and 0.5 μJ energy for 50 ns pulses and 2 MHz frequency repetition rate. It is available in either one or two to interleave channel wavelengths ( e.g. 2039 & 2040 nm ) . The repetition rate can be adjusted between 100 kHz to 4 MHz while the pulse width can be set between 20 ns to 1 μs. Other wavelengths in the 2 micron window are available.

The PHOENIX-2040 laser comes in a 19” 2U rack mount benchtop unit with either a standard or a polarization maintaining (PM ) fiber. Benchtop control is done from the front panel or via a USB port.

Main specifications

Operation wavelength2040nm
Output power CW1W
Peak output power10W
Pulse width201000ns
Repetition rate1004000kHz


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