frequency comb

Frequency Combs

Accueil » PRODUCTS » Frequency Combs

Since they appeared in the late 90’s, Frequency Combs have become tools widely used by scientists in domains such as spectroscopy, metrology, cold atoms, microwave photonics… In particular, they have revolutionized the time and frequency metrology, allowing a gain of several order of magnitudes in the measurement accuracy  for those physical quantities.

IMRA’s history as the oldest and most experienced femtosecond fiber laser company reflects the successful implementation of breakthrough technologies. IMRA continues to expand its capabilities and, based on its pioneering research over the last three decades, offers record high performance Frequency Combs for Time and Frequency Metrology.

frequency comb

Compact Frequency Combs

frequency comb

Combs Control Electronics

+ 33-(0)685-220-115 /