IMP-1064 –  1060 NM  Intensity Modulators

The Optilab IMP-1064 series are a range of Intensity Modulators designed for external modulation of 1064 nm lasers up to 40 GHz. They are also applicable for pulse generation for Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier amplification (YDFA) and active mode locked laser applications. They are bias-stabilized lithium niobate modulators that prove to be extremely stable for long periods of time, and feature excellent stability in a biased circuit. They have an excellent operating temperature tolerance ranging from -30º C to +75º C. IMP-1064 series use Polarization Maintaining (PM) input and output fibers and feature separate RF and bias ports.

Main specifications

Operating Wavelength10301090nm
E-O bandwidth (-3 dB)10 / 17 / 30GHz
Insertion Loss4.55dB
Handling Power (CW)100mW
1000 nm Intensity Modulator


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+ 33-(0)685 -220-115 /