OE-4000 Phase Noise – Linewidth Analyzer
OE-4000 laser phase noise and linewidth analyzer system product is designed to achieve ultra-low absolute phase noise measurement capability and to simplify such measurements of continuous wave (CW) laser sources.
The OE-4000 laser phase noise analyzer system is capable of ultra-narrow linewidth analysis without requiring any separate low phase noise reference source or other test equipment. No complicated setup and operation are required to quickly make the measurement at any wavelength within the specified bandwidth of operation.
The unmatched ultra-low phase/frequency noise analyzer is scalable to various input wavelength bands and is available with low relative intensity noise (RIN) measurement option.
NEW ! The OE4000 is now available with a Frequency Monitoring option that measures in real time the frequency drift of the laser under test.
Main specifications
MIN | TYP | MAX | UNIT | |
Operational Wavelength | 600 | 2200 | nm | |
Input | -10 | +15 | dBm | |
Linewidth | 3 | 10 EE6 | Hz | |
Size | 3U x 19'' |